Important! Summer Pug Tips

>> Friday, May 28, 2010

With summer almost upon us we ask that everyone please make sure your Pug does not become exposed to extreme temperatures for any duration of time. Anything over 80 degrees can begin to add stress to a seemingly healthy Pug's sensitive breathing and can create a life-threatening situation.

You can follow these simple rules to keep your pug cool and healthy during the warmer months.


1. Always have cold water available for your pug.
2. If you pug overheats (even in the house if you do not have AC, you can use a cold wet/water soaked towel or blanket to drap over them and have them sit/lie down in front of a fan.
3. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER leave your pug alone in the car during warm months (not even for a 5 minute, quick run into the convenience store).
4. When walking your pug, try do so early in the a.m., OR later at night when the sun has gone down.
5. When outside, if possible try to keep your pug in the shade.
6. If at a meet up or other event and no shade is present, continually monitor your pug and make sure they take breaks from playing.
7. As cute as outfits are, dressing your pug in hot weather can contribute to them overheating.

Signs and symptoms of heat stroke:
Signs of heat exhaustion include heavy panting, hyperventilation (deep breathing), increased salivation early then dry gums as the heat prostration progresses, weakness, confusion or inattention, vomiting or diarrhea and sometimes bleeding. As the condition progresses towards heat prostration or heat stroke there may be obvious paleness or graying to the gums, shallowing of the breathing efforts and eventually slowed or absent breathing efforts, vomiting and diarrhea that may be bloody and finally seizures or coma. Temperatures above 105 degrees Fahrenheit are dangerous!!

What to do in case you suspect heat stroke:
If you dog shows signs of serious distress from the heat it is best to cool him/her immediately with cool or tepid water rather than really cold water. If ice packs are available they can be applied to areas where circulation is very good, such as the "armpits", inquinal region, or neck. Blowing air over her with a fan as you cool him/her off with water can be helpful. As soon as he/she seems to be gaining some comfort proceed to your vet's. Dogs who suffer from heat stroke can develop delayed complications that are really serious, including death, if they are not properly monitored and cared for.


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